2015년 7월 22일 수요일

Birthday Meal 생일 미역국

태어난 후 처음으로 집에 왔을 때 흰쌀밥과 미역국의 겸손한 밥상을 받았던 아이이제 성인이 되어 멋진 레스토랑에서의 생일파티를 계획하는데그래도 엄마의 마음이란 그렇지 않다자다 깬 아이에게 한그릇의 미역국과 잡곡밥을 대접하고 아이는 생일미역국을 잠시 스낵 처럼 먹는다.

When he was welcomed home first time after birth, he was treated with Korean Traditional Seaweed Soup and White Rice on his bed. Now my son is a whole grown man, planning his own birthday party at a very nice restaurant. Still Mom is giving him a bowl of seaweed soup and trendy healthy rice on his birthday. For him, the treat is not a birthday meal, it is a snack to munch for his mom’s own sake.

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